CAG has an extensive and robust network of Composite technologies and materials. Through this network CAG can connect any manufacturing company to the necessary supply chain to bring their innovation dream into reality. CAG works vigorously to fully vet their technology and supply chain partners to make sure they can provide value. They also identify exclusive opportunities so that the collaboration is non-competitive. This is essential for the success of the project. When Companies can contribute to the team and bring all of their experience to the table without fear of competition it allows for more fluid collaboration.

CAG prides themselves in helping manufacturing companies bring their ideas all the way across the finish line. This happens through fluid collaboration in a non-competitive team. CAG has proven over and over again that if you are at the table then you have something to contribute. That team work and collaboration has led to success after success in markets that aren’t known for innovation and forward thinking.
It starts with the leadership of an OEM willing to think broadly and dream vividly and willing to put their money where their mouth is. They provide the target and the funding and CAG provides the connections and the collaboration. Whether it is transportation, aerospace, or infrastructure, CAG has delivered success after success to their partners through collaboration…… and it doesn’t stop there.
Because of the track record CAG has provided, every single collaborator has begun to expand their opportunities and push the envelope even farther. It didn’t stop with the first project. CAG continues to engage with every single OEM for more projects. This is because it WORKS. They trust the process of CAG. That process begins with Connecting the supply chain, and builds with collaboration and grows into opportunity through commercialization.

CAG connects technologies together through open, non-competitive collaboration for the purpose of commercial opportunities. CAG does not believe in dead-end projects. Every project that CAG begins has an definite commercial pathway. This is the gold at the end of the rainbow of collaboration. When CAG puts a team together it is because CAG sees the benefit of the project for every member of the team. If you are at the table then you have something to contribute.
CAG knows that in order to deliver results, the problem has to be real, and it has to be solvable. Through collaboration they endeavor to solve the problem. When this happens the results can be game changing. This provides opportunity for the whole team to commercialize their products and services and allows the OEM to control and change their competitive landscape. CAG believes that they can help solve the problems plaguing industries that have stopped seeing true innovation. CAG does this through connecting, collaborating and commercializing.