About This Project
The project with Wabash was driven by an interest from an OEM that wanted to revolutionize their market. CAG stood ready to help them realize that opportunity by connecting Wabash with the composites supply chain and technologies. CAG helped Wabash collaborate with those technology and supply chain companies to find solutions for their products that would serve their industry. CAG then worked with each of the technology and supply chain companies to help them commercialize with Wabash.

CoCure technology and resin

poly urethane foam

engineering design and prototype

Fiber Glass

Automated composite manufacturing equipment


composite preforms

knit fabrics
Structural Composites delivered the needed specifications for the materials and process needed and delivered a functional prototype. The key materials were supplied by BASF, Interplastic and NEG. Structural composites along with CAG helped these companies formulate their materials to meet the requirements Wabash laid out for their trailer. These three materials companies along with Wabash Structural Composites and MVP collaborated on how a machine could be designed to manufacture in a continuous process with the tested and proven materials.
Wabash installed the machine with MVP and began their process in commercialization. Wabash had each of the materials quoted and negotiations with CAG and the technology companies went smoothly and when everyone was clear on their costs Wabash pulled the trigger for a cutting edge, innovative new trailer.
Wabash is now working on future projects with the team and collaborating with new technology partners for products of the future. CAG is helping them Connect, Collaborate and Commercialize these opportunities.
The project with Wabash was an unparalleled success. CAG was able to help Wabash double their targeted thermal efficiency and reduce the weight by %20+. The real genius of this project was the ability to scale this to a cost neutral build out. Concept to commercialization was accomplished in 3 years and the composite trailer reached the required 24,000 lbs. fork lift truck rating. This product is now commercially available at www.wabashnational.com
The story was captured here https://acmanet.org/2018/08/the-camx-awards-one-winners-journey/
CAG was the integral glue that connected all of the companies mentioned in the article to Wabash.

“CAG understands the vision Wabash has for innovation, and they have helped us realize that vision by connecting Wabash to new and interesting supply chain partners. As Wabash continues to lead in the first to final mile markets with breakthrough ideas and solutions, we look forward to continuing to partner with CAG to collaborate on new composite materials.”